
Kneel features three short erotic lesbian D/s stories. In Mistress, Danielle runs into a Domme she knows from back home while she’s on holiday with friends. In Desk Job Zoe gets more than she bargained for when she disobeys her boss. And in Secretly Submissive Lily has a secret: she’s submissive and she wants her best friend Vanessa to be her Domme.

Mistress was previously published in the anthology Summer Love and Secretly Submissive was published in From Top To Bottom.

The total word count of the three short stories together is 14,000 words.

Content warnings

Kneel is a book of erotic lesbian fiction and contains graphic descriptions of BDSM including S&M, spanking, foot worship, bondage, and discipline. Mistress includes a scene where the autistic character is asked to make eye contact. There are scenes in both Mistress and Secretly Submissive where the characters drink alcohol and there are scenes where characters eat in Mistress.

If you have specific triggers and would like to know if they are contained in this book, please ask me.

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